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What is meditation?
Meditation takes several different forms; no one method stands out as the only way. You can meditate while sitting, lying down, and even walking. You can focus on your breath, an object, a thought, a word, or nothing at all. You may want to experiment with different forms of meditation to see which form suits you best.

People meditate for different purposes. Historically, meditators sought spiritual growth and enlightenment. People still use meditation for that purpose today, but people also meditate for relaxation and for improving their health. You may also find that you begin meditating for one reason but end up meditating for additional reasons.

Some Positions for Meditating:


  1. Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor and your back straight.
  2. Fold your hands comfortably in your lap.
  3. Depending upon the meditation, either close your eyes, partially close your eyes, or focus them on an object.
  4. Unless the meditation requires you to modify your breathing, do not try to control your breath; breathe normally.

Lying Down:

  1. Stretch out on your back.
  2. Keep your legs straight, but relaxed, and let your feet flop gently out.
  3. Keep your arms straight, but relaxed. Rest your hands palms up, about 8 inches away from your sides.
  4. Close your eyes.
  5. Unless the meditation requires you to modify your breathing, do not try to control your breath; breath normally.

Variation: Rest your calves on a stool keeping your knees bent at a 90 degree angle.


Here are just a few different meditations:

1. Focus on your breath
  • Generally this meditation is done sitting or lying down.
  • Your eyes can be closed or partially closed.
  • Relax and direct your thoughts to your breathing. Note your lungs filling with air, a slight pause, then the air flowing out your nose, another slight pause, then the cycle repeating.
  • When you find yourself thinking about something else, don't get upset, just pick up your breathing cycle where ever it happens to be.
  • Do this for a few minutes. Work your way up to 10 minutes once or twice a day.

2. Relaxing Your Muscles
  • Lie down as described above.
  • Relax for a few moments.
  • Beginning with your toes, you will progressively tense and relax different parts of your body.
  • Breathe in, tighten your toes and feet for a few seconds, breathe out and relax.
  • Breathe normally.
  • Breathe in, tighten your calves a few seconds, breathe out and relax.
  • Breathe normally.
  • Breathe in, tighten your thighs a few seconds, breathe out and relax.
  • Breathe normally.
  • Repeat this cycle moving up your body continuing with your behind, then stomach, chest, then hands, arms, shoulders, neck, and finally face.
  • Don't rush and don't tighten too hard.
  • This meditation can help relax you after a hard day.

3. Contemplative
  • Sit or lie down.
  • Pick a thought. Review this thought in your mind several times.
  • Ask what it means for you, what you can learn from it, and/or how you can apply it in your life.
  • Allow your mind to associate this thought with related thoughts.
  • If you find yourself thinking about something totally different then review the thought again.
  • Spend as much time as you like contemplating this thought.
  • The daily meditations can be used for contemplation.

You can find more about meditation via the meditation links in our directory.